
Showing posts from March, 2024

Prepaid Credit Cards Please

          Naomi. 63 Years after Independence and our country always on the verge of Econ collapse, isn’t time to review the current colonially inspired atrocious Per Diem System? Should the Spouse of a public official be paid Per Diem merely for accompanying his/her partner on official duty abroad? What is the moral and legal justification for paying NON-public employee Per Diem? Now you see why corruption is systemically endemic in this country. When they travel abroad, they go with more than 10-man delegation. You see where some of the IMF borrowed monies are going to? Our country is broke, Revenue generation is appalling, and we rely on IMF/WORLD BANK/ADB/EU for bailouts. Per Diem Needs to Be Looked at. There are more effective ways and they will curb corruption. Cut down on the number of travels abroad and equally cut by more than half the number of people who accompany on those trips. Start by implementing Prepaid credit cards for those officia...

Sierra Leone: Is in The Midst Of an illegal Drug Crisis

  Maurice Kamara March 23 rd , 2024 Folks, our country has been hit by a full-blown drug crisis. A crisis of monumental scale and proportion leading to cataclysmic tragedy. The drug name KUSH is in circulation in our country and our youths are consuming it in alarming proportions. KUSH is an illegal synthetic drug, a lethal cocktail drug that is combined with various organic chemicals like Acetone, Benzyl Chloride, Chloroform, Ethanol, isopropanol, and some other organic compounds etc. to make KUSH highly potent and toxic. The youths in our country are currently being decimated by this drug. With the increase rate in youth unemployment, insecurity, food insecurity, health insecurity, social insecurity, an increase in poverty and lack of a national youth enterprise development fund to support youth in becoming employment creators and being aware of all these insecurities makes the of killing our brothers and sisters by this lethal and potent drug an urgent issue and state of e...

IMF Loans in Africa: No Reforms just Utter Foolishness
