Sierra Leone: Is in The Midst Of an illegal Drug Crisis


Maurice Kamara

March 23rd, 2024

Folks, our country has been hit by a full-blown drug crisis. A crisis of monumental scale and proportion leading to cataclysmic tragedy. The drug name KUSH is in circulation in our country and our youths are consuming it in alarming proportions. KUSH is an illegal synthetic drug, a lethal cocktail drug that is combined with various organic chemicals like Acetone, Benzyl Chloride, Chloroform, Ethanol, isopropanol, and some other organic compounds etc. to make KUSH highly potent and toxic. The youths in our country are currently being decimated by this drug. With the increase rate in youth unemployment, insecurity, food insecurity, health insecurity, social insecurity, an increase in poverty and lack of a national youth enterprise development fund to support youth in becoming employment creators and being aware of all these insecurities makes the of killing our brothers and sisters by this lethal and potent drug an urgent issue and state of emergency.

Where is the leadership in our country, both in the executive branch and the members of our parliament? Yes, the current drug crisis in our country is sad, tragic but not surprising.  The irrefutable fact is that this is the outcome of a nation whose entitled elites (APC & SLPP) use the tools of division, victimization, exclusion, and deprivation to distract us, they are busy looting the coffers for their self-development instead of national development. They have mastered this dark art. Their modus operendi is divide and conquer. Divide us, throw a few crumbs to their social collaborators to pacify them and distract the rest of us. We aren’t going nowhere as a nation. Will never do. The drug crisis in our country is the direct result or consequences of a divided society and lacks leadership or leadership that is mentally unstable. It is thirty-three (33) to this month that a deranged corporal Foday Sankoh unleashed a rebel war in our country. That war obliterated our country and decimated our youths. So, it is jarring for our current politicians to have the inability to reason well that all the ingredients that cooked up the RUF rebel war are presently manifesting in our country. We have ignorant and greedy fool politicians from both political parties. A drug crisis like the magnitude of the one we currently have in country should warrant a state of emergency long time ago. Then that will allow the government to shift resources to strengthen our porous borders through which these lethal drugs are being smuggled, shift resources to our healthcare professionals and our healthcare facilities and convey a national drug crisis taskforce.

After sixty-three years (63) years of independence and our country on the verge of youth collapse using drugs and a resulting, inevitable economic collapse, isn’t it time we Sierra Leoneans smarten up? We are not fabricating malicious Pinocchio, what we are saying is derived from facts. We are witnessing plain wickedness in the hearts of our so-called educated politicians and leaders. They have no sympathy for the poor and vulnerable Sierra Leoneans. It is simply immorality, criminality and shameful behaviour of our public officials. It is a disgrace that our country is in a drug crisis of this magnitude, and it is damn bloody terrible. We see the injustice all around and yet, we the people continue to celebrate these gangs of political criminal cartels governing our country. Maybe they themselves are involved in smuggling these lethal drugs into our country, because if they are not involved, a state of emergency would have been declared long ago and that will alert the international community to step in. Our leaders have failed the jurisprudence of our country. The impertinence and crude policies of both the APC & SLPP towards us over the years should have made them outcast, yet they continue to deceit their way into power, that is an indictment against us the Sierra Leone people. We ought to know better, we need better judgement and reasoning. 

The change in a country comes from the people of that country, not a foreign country The people who run a country come from that same country. A country cannot have a dictator if people of that country believe and exercise freedom among themselves; Similarly, a dictator cannot exercise his power without people who execute it. A revolution can be stolen, but a change coming from people hardly can be stolen. An opportunity has once again present itself with this drug crisis, let us use this drug crisis in our country to rise and tell these, crazed, unhinged lunatics and slacker gangs of politicians to wake up to their own inadequacies and govern our country the right way.


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